The Wheatland Wranglers Hockey Association is committed to excellence in coaching. Both female and male coaches are encourage to apply as a team head coach or assistant coach.
Coaches play a significant role in mentorship, training and leadership to the players and teams. Many coaches are either brand new to coaching or experienced and want to help specifically with the female program. Coach mentorship will facilitate learning how to create a practice plan, a season goal, individual skill development and team management. Currently hockey in all associations has fewer and fewer coaches as they don’t have the proper support to help them succeed and less people are stepping up for this role. Coach mentorship is what will help set our program up for success in proper training and support of our volunteer coaches who dedicate so much time to the success of our players.
Please complete and return a
coaching application form (SAME FORM AS Strathmore Minor Hockey) if you are interested in a coaching position (head coach or assistant coach). The Wheatland Wranglers/SMHA coaching committee will conduct personal interviews with all head coach applicants. The code of conduct agreement for coaches is located on the second page of the form and carries with it the same implications as the player and parent agreements.
You can submit your application online
All coaching volunteers with Wheatland Wranglers will require a Vulnerable Sector Check / Police Check
The Wheatland Wranglers (via the Strathmore Minor Hockey Association) has mandated the completion of an annual police check on all coaching staff for the current season. Police checks must be completed or underway by November 1, of the current season.
If a coaching staff member has submitted a Police check in the previous season, they must re-submit annually for the current season. Police checks may be obtained from the RCMP Strathmore Detachment police station, which are conveniently open Monday Thru Friday. There is no fee for this service. The letter to accompany you to the RCMP can be downloaded for print here:
Vulnerable Sector Check. The original police check report OR copy of the above mentioned must be received by November 1, of the current season, in order to volunteer in the capacity of coach, assistant coach, or trainer. The original police check must be forwarded when it is ready.
The report should be sent in a sealed envelope to:
Mailing Address:
Box 2164, Strathmore Alberta, T1P 1K2
Phone: 403-934-6336
Fax: 403-361-2359
All original documentation can be returned, once reviewed and photocopied by the Wheatland Wranglers / SMHA. Photocopied records will be treated as confidential documents and securely retained for a period of two years, at which point they will be destroyed.